Cape Cod Restaurant Week Participation Agreement
Participating restaurants agree to offer a fixed-price dinner menu of three or four courses, with two to four options per course, from Monday, October 8th through Sunday, October 14th, 2018 at the price of either $25, $30 or $35.
- Tax and gratuity are not included in the restaurant week price.
- No tickets, discount codes, or coupons are required.
- Surcharges are allowed for supplemental courses or additional choices beyond the basic menu requirements.
- Beverage pairings and drink specials are optional.
- Restaurants may offer their regular menus during restaurant week and if they do so must present all diners with both the regular and the restaurant week menus.
Participating restaurants agree to use the provided promotional materials (signs, postcards, etc.) and their existing marketing channels (website, email, social media) to promote their involvement in Cape Cod Restaurant Week to diners.
Boston Chefs, Inc. as the organizer of Cape Cod Restaurant Week, agrees to:
- Clearly communicate relevant program dates and deadlines.
- Collect, maintain and display information about Cape Cod Restaurant Week and participating restaurants (including pricing, availability, contact info and menus) on www.CapeCodRestaurantWeek.com.
- Heavily promote the event and participating restaurants through traditional media outlets as well as digital outlets including the web, email and social media.
- Provide marketing materials to help spread the word to diners.
- Provide tips for maximizing the impact of the promotion.